Wednesday, May 6, 2009

nearly there

Well its all over and done with. Had problems on the day of the presentation with the 2 laptops i was using but i am trying not to think about it anymore now as its over. Lots and lots of study to do now for the dreaded exams. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

count down....

I am still here trying to finish off my doomed FYP. I am getting sleepier by the minute but still a bit to do. Time is of the essence here. I am so so tired. Yes this is the correct time of me writing this entry. I havent had a proper nights sleep in about 2 months. I havent had more than 4 hours sleep in anout 2 weeks. Fingers crossed all goes well tomorrow.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


It all went horribly wrong the night before my FYP presentation. My laptop finally gave up after crashing on me several times and taking my work with it. I couldnt do the presentation with no work or laptop so i was given an extra 3 days to try get it back and someway finished. I have never been so stressed out in my life. I havent slept in 3 days. Have to try pull out all the stops now to get this organised for tues morning!!!! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

almost done

I am trying to do a bit of Flash work for my FYP at the moment. Absolutely hating it! I wish I had more knowledge of Flash but hopefully I will have enough to pull me through.
One more day to go and its all over. The nerves are getting to me already!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

stuff done!

Login and register are a go!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Done and dusted

The report is all done and dusted! Hurray!! It was printed and bound today so that's one thing to cross off my list :)
FYP to complete now and hand up next week.
Then its study time and presentation time!
The pressure begins to mount!! :(

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Video for video page

This is a video that was taken and edited in Premier Pro for the video page of my FYP.
Its very short and the content is not the best but its my own and I was running short on time so I just decided to put it in.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

report and the cost of it!!

good grief getting the report printed and bound is going to cost me a very pretty penny!! i spent the day checking out the printing places in the city and they were all getting more and more expensive!! 45c for one single page of colour!!!!! a disgrace! and thats the student rate by the way... so to bind it will cost €40 alone. tougher times ahead i believe...sigh...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

ugh report

My back is killing me from sitting at my laptop from 2pm today until now writing the dreaded FYP report. But its all coming together now and only 2 more chapters left to complete so I will just have to put up with the pain! :)
Tomorrow is another day...of report writing!! lovely stuff...:(

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hurray for java!

Finally I have some java working in the actual project! Log-in is a go! register next which I already have working in another practical. Then I will hopefully be getting the file and photo upload and download sorted after that.
Working on with the report as well so its all go for the weeks ahead!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

controller makeover!

Here is my new and improved PS3 controller. I added some bevel and emboss to bring out the shape a little more. It was looking a little flat with the TV.
I increased the colour and the shadow depths also to create the new effect. I am much happier with it now.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My text Scroller in operation!

Ok this a very bad quality video of my text scroller in action.
Blogger wont allow for Flash SWFs so i had to take a video with my camera.
Its hard to see but you can get the idea. The text is continuously scrolling across the bottom of the screen with some helpful tips and facts about recycling!

Friday, March 27, 2009

small tweaks

Right so I had a chat with my supervisor yesterday and we both decided on a few changes that will make the look of the pages a little nicer. I will now have the background of each page white instead of a colour. We changed this because it was proving very difficult to match a text colour to it. Also just changed the type face again so now it is slightly easier to read it.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

clothing page

Here is an idea for my clothing recycling page. When the user has clicked on an item in the house ie the Tshirt in the bedroom this page will appear which will explain how to recycle clothing and will also give the user an option to view a video showing how to recycle old clothing to make brand new items!

Getting there

Ok here is a better version of the recycling page.
I have created a bigger house and incorporated the tshirt for clothing recycling in the bedroom, the toilet rolls in the bathroom for paper recycling, the cans, bottles and glass jars in the kitchen for glass recycling and the laptop and tv in the sitting room for green computing.
There is also a car parked outside that will correspond to the transport section on recycling. Such as car pooling going to college if there are a number of students sharing a house.

Monday, March 16, 2009

rough new designs

okay. I have gone back to a very early design idea of using a house in order to change around the layout of my pages and also to reduce the amount of text on each page. I am hoping ti create a more gaming/TV interface and feel by going for more images and graphics rather than bulky text. After all a picture can tell a thousand words!
Here is a very rough sketch of what I am trying to go for. I have designed a very simple student house with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and sitting room. I am hoping to have a car or two beside the house for the transport section.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

new twist

I have come up with a new idea for my pages. My pages were extremely text heavy so i have decided to incorporate different Multimedia elements into every page to make them more attractive looking and appealing to the user. Its just a way of viewing images videos and polls in an easier fashion rather than going to different pages for it.
Some designs to follow.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

coding coding coding

I am up to my eyeballs at the moment trying to get my head around all the coding I need for my site. Things are linked now some temporarily so next step is adding the coding parts to it. Now if only it were that simple...!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Silver controller finally in place

Here is one of my pages with the silver controller in place. I meshed it in Illustrator which took ages but was worth it to see the end result.
This is the first page for my recycling section. The links down the side are the related ones for recycling.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Flow Chart

Here is the flow chart for my site.

My laptop is fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annette our lab technician is officially the biggest legend ever!! She managed to fix the numerous problems I was experiencing with my laptop and software yesterday so its all systems go now in the race to finish my FYP. Thank you again Annette. So much work to catch up on now! The clock is against me but I will prevail. More of my designs are to come very shortly.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Page of recycling section

This is my video page for the topic Clothing under the heading of Recycling. There will be a video of new clothes being made out of recycled materials.
This is a newer version of the page below.

Main page of site

This will the main page of my site. Users can select a topic from here to view. This is unfinished.

Page 3

Next page is this one.
A brief description of what my site is about.

next page

Next up will be this page with a lovely pic of a clean and rubbish free part of countryside which i plan to take myself.

My final design for the homepage minus one or two small bits and bobs

I now have my silver TV and PS3 console. It will open with this page with the TV switched off and the PS3 in the background.

ok feeling slightly better

Me again. sigh. Thanks to Marissa I was able to go a very long and tedious way about bringing my Photoshop into Flash for the time being. Its temporary but I can try to connect my pages together now.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I could just scream

My stupid laptop is the bane of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last week my Illustrator stopped working. This week its my Flash. I really could do with my Flash working as I need to have linked pages for the presentation on Thursday!! I only have 2 linked at the moment. Its getting ridiculous at this stage. My software and laptop are seriously hindering and slowing me down with my work. i have lost 2 days now over Flash and it doesnt help that I have the older version of the software as well!! The stress of it!! I will have to try to sort out new software before I throw my laptop out the window!!!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

video page for clothing section

Here is a quick design for my clothing section which will have a video showing students how to save money and the environment by recycling old clothes and making new ones!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

new tv with gaming header

Here is my swanky new silver tv with the gaming header in place. I put in the black controller just to show the positioning. This will be silver like the tv.

My Original Proposal

This is the original proposal for my FYP. It has changed a little bit since i wrote this.

saving our planet student style report finished2

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hopefully last tv design!!

So here is my latest design for the interface. A silver plasma widescreen tv complete with speaker at the bottom that I created in Photoshop. It will fit in very nicely with my silver PS3 and controller! More designs on the way!

Friday, February 13, 2009

work work work!!

Its been a little while since I updated my blog. I have been extremely busy with assignments and projects so I haven't had the chance to keep this up to date. Hopefully I should have my new interface design up in the next day or two. Hopefully by tomorrow!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A slight change of plan

Well I am still on the interface design. Just tweaking it abit now before I begin the animation and work in Flash. I have decided after a talk with my supervisor to go with a silver TV and Controller as the black is a bit flat and lifeless. I have also started a little bit of Flash work so I am slowly but surely getting things working. Hopefully I can do some more coding over the next few days for my log-in.
Here is what I am aiming to do with my interface. I found this image on Google yesterday while I was searching for a plasma TV. (The X-Box is used in this image whereas I am using the PS3). It is remarkably similar to my design!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

My gaming header completed!!

Here is a sample of the gaming header I will be using for the navigation. I created it in Photoshop. The idea is that the links for each page are on the bottom section eg. "Recycling", and the drop down menu effect is created with the half-rectangle buttons on the top section eg "Fashion" .

Again the quality of the image is not the best but you get the jist of it anyway.

Navigation and links ideas

I am going to be using a gaming style header on the TV interface for some of the navigation for my site. The main navigation will be using the PS3 controller and will allow the user to move between pages and select items etc. The gaming header on the TV will be where the user can select the pages and items they wish to go to. I am keeping with the gaming idea throughout the site for continuity and consistency.
More on the direction of the site to follow shortly!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A rough interface design

This is a very rough interface design for my home page. The TV was created in Photoshop, and the PS3 and its controller were created in Illustrator. I am going to have the TV and PS3 sit on a table which i plan to make in 3D Studio Max. More to follow!
The quality of the picture is not the best but that cant be helped.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A new idea with the old design

I have decided to use a PS3 controller and a plasma wide screen tv for my interface. i have chosen the PS3 controller because it is wireless and also extremely similar to the PSP controls. The main navigation will take place using the controller and then on screen the user can select a main topic and use the controller instead of a mouse to navigate around the site. I have decided on a wide screen tv because most houses these days have wide screens and gaming is played mostly on these.
Il have a design in the next day or two to put up here.

Friday, January 9, 2009

How to Recycle Fashion!!

I received this really cool link from a friend today.

Its about "How to Recycle Fashion". There are some very clever ideas in this video clip about how to make your very own unique shopping bag which helps to save on buying plastic non-biodegradable bags every time you do the shopping. There is a step-by-step demonstration showing how to create and sew together your own bag using recycled materials such as old pairs of jeans and curtains etc. It also had quirky designs for creating sandals using rubber tires and the pockets from an old pair of jeans. Fashion can still be fantastic even with recycled materials. You are saving the planet and your pocket at the same time! What could be better??

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A new year, a new...handbag!!!!

Well I am back after the Christmas and New Year celebrations. I had plenty to think about over the break with regards to my topic of recycling. I made sure that my family recycled as much as they could this year especially the wrapping paper and also keeping and reusing the fancy bags that presents came in. It worked very well.
I also picked up the coolest bag today in the sales! Its a canvas recycled handbag and purse set by Revlon made from recycled materials. I think its a brilliant idea! I know that shops like Penney's and other high street shops have their own canvas shopping bags also but this is a "going-out" bag rather than a shopping bag.

So it just goes to show that even the big name brands are getting their act together and trying to do their bit for the environment. Long may it last!!