Friday, February 27, 2009

Flow Chart

Here is the flow chart for my site.

My laptop is fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annette our lab technician is officially the biggest legend ever!! She managed to fix the numerous problems I was experiencing with my laptop and software yesterday so its all systems go now in the race to finish my FYP. Thank you again Annette. So much work to catch up on now! The clock is against me but I will prevail. More of my designs are to come very shortly.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Page of recycling section

This is my video page for the topic Clothing under the heading of Recycling. There will be a video of new clothes being made out of recycled materials.
This is a newer version of the page below.

Main page of site

This will the main page of my site. Users can select a topic from here to view. This is unfinished.

Page 3

Next page is this one.
A brief description of what my site is about.

next page

Next up will be this page with a lovely pic of a clean and rubbish free part of countryside which i plan to take myself.

My final design for the homepage minus one or two small bits and bobs

I now have my silver TV and PS3 console. It will open with this page with the TV switched off and the PS3 in the background.

ok feeling slightly better

Me again. sigh. Thanks to Marissa I was able to go a very long and tedious way about bringing my Photoshop into Flash for the time being. Its temporary but I can try to connect my pages together now.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I could just scream

My stupid laptop is the bane of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last week my Illustrator stopped working. This week its my Flash. I really could do with my Flash working as I need to have linked pages for the presentation on Thursday!! I only have 2 linked at the moment. Its getting ridiculous at this stage. My software and laptop are seriously hindering and slowing me down with my work. i have lost 2 days now over Flash and it doesnt help that I have the older version of the software as well!! The stress of it!! I will have to try to sort out new software before I throw my laptop out the window!!!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

video page for clothing section

Here is a quick design for my clothing section which will have a video showing students how to save money and the environment by recycling old clothes and making new ones!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

new tv with gaming header

Here is my swanky new silver tv with the gaming header in place. I put in the black controller just to show the positioning. This will be silver like the tv.

My Original Proposal

This is the original proposal for my FYP. It has changed a little bit since i wrote this.

saving our planet student style report finished2

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hopefully last tv design!!

So here is my latest design for the interface. A silver plasma widescreen tv complete with speaker at the bottom that I created in Photoshop. It will fit in very nicely with my silver PS3 and controller! More designs on the way!

Friday, February 13, 2009

work work work!!

Its been a little while since I updated my blog. I have been extremely busy with assignments and projects so I haven't had the chance to keep this up to date. Hopefully I should have my new interface design up in the next day or two. Hopefully by tomorrow!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A slight change of plan

Well I am still on the interface design. Just tweaking it abit now before I begin the animation and work in Flash. I have decided after a talk with my supervisor to go with a silver TV and Controller as the black is a bit flat and lifeless. I have also started a little bit of Flash work so I am slowly but surely getting things working. Hopefully I can do some more coding over the next few days for my log-in.
Here is what I am aiming to do with my interface. I found this image on Google yesterday while I was searching for a plasma TV. (The X-Box is used in this image whereas I am using the PS3). It is remarkably similar to my design!!!!