Sunday, November 30, 2008

More design ideas

I had another rethink and have decided to go with gaming as a concept design that will pull my overall ideas together. Gaming is a big part of student life in student accommodation. I will try to use gaming metaphors for my interface and also bring in some gaming controls and screens for navigation purposes. I was thinking of using the PSP as my overall interface for the recycling section of my project.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A design idea!

This is an idea I like for the layout of my new idea. I like the way the that the photos fold up and open up again in a new window. Its very nicely done.

The link is:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A new idea!!

Today I had a total change of direction!!! I have decided to use video and animation in Flash to tell my stories to students about recycling and energy conservation. I intend to capture on film some of the main mistakes that students make every day with their rubbish. And then show a clip of how it should be recycled or disposed of properly. I will also have clips about how students can save on their energy costs and save the planet at the same time. I am excited about this new development in my project. I was thinking also of taking some still images and learning to use After Effects to animate them
Here is a link with an example of horizontal scrolling. It is a very basic one but it is the idea that I was looking for. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A look at some design ideas

Here is a screen shot of a site that I really liked from a design point of view.
I think that it is very different and unique.

This is the type of design that I would like to try and design for my own fyp.
It has a simple and effective navigation system.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Design Design Design

I am currently working on a design for my website. As I have a tough target audience (college students), I need to make it appealing to students first then work on getting my topic across to them. Its a tough one but I am working on it!!!